Report of Violence to Dissent Entities in Chile

(Santiago, November 14, 2019).-  Report of violence to dissent entities in Chile, before, during, and after the State of Emergency of the Government of Sebastián Piñera.

This is an autonomous report. To make this report, activists, scholars, lesbian organizations, trans and anti-racist feminists were self-convened. Every one of them contributed in different ways and different moments. 

We mention them in alphabetic order:

Flor Alveal R.
Jaime Barrientos
Viviana Cáceres D.
Paloma Castillo
Daniela Cifuentes V.
Toli Hernández M.
Ana Luisa Muñoz
Iván Smirnow
Gonzalo Soto
Juan Pablo Sutherland


Organizations and collectives:

Chilean Corporation of Trans people Amanda Jofré

Autonomous Feminists

Lastres AbisaLes

Association Rompiendo el Silencio

Organizing Trans Diversities – OTD Chile


We thank to the association of feminist lawyers – ABOFEM that gave general and appropriate information about the reports that have received, always protecting the confidentiality of the victims.


Download the denunciation here

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