OTD Chile presents a Counseling Model among peers and Psychological atention

(Santiago, May 15th, 2020).- OTD Chile presented its Counseling Model among peers and Psychological atention through Zoom videocall and itsYoutube chanel  where you can watch the launching. 

Among the guests was Blanquita Honorato, Head of the Promotion and Prevention Division of Subsecretaría de la Niñez of the Family and Social Development Ministry and Mireya Fernández Reto, Adviser of Satisfacción Usuaria del Servicio de Salud Talcahuano and from OTD, the psychologyst and Coordinator of the Attentions Unit Carol Barragán, the communitary psychologyst , Health Coordinator and Peers Adviser Leonel Catoni, the teacher and Traning Coordination Unit OTEDUCA Kris Córdova; the Judicial Counselor of OTD Matías Valenzuela Cortés; Franco Fuica trans activist and Coordinator of the Legislation and Public Politics Unit of OTD will be moderating this activity. There also will be trans people who will be with us and give their testimony. 

Manual de Consejería entre Pares y Atención Psicológica

Manual of counseling among peers and Psychological atention of OTD Chile

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