OTD Chile trains midwifes/males in Santiago de Chile

(Santiago, March 7th, 2020).- OTD Chile in association with the Santiago Regional School of Midwifes trained at the School of Obstetrics of the Diego Portales University midwifes and midmales to know how to deal with trans people. 

Kris Córdova, coordinator of OTEDUCA and Leonel Catoni, coordinator of the Helth Unit were in charge of educating midwifes/males about trans health care. They started with a sensibilization video to later make a dinamic called generómetro and a concepts review to know what information the audience handled in relation to sex and gender, besides presenting a testimony about it. In addition, they talked about depathologization of trans identities and the Gender Identity Law in Chile and its consequences.

OTD Chile capacita a matronas y matrones

Kris Cordova and Leonel Catoni training midwifes/males.

They also talked about the specific necessities of body modifications and get to know trans bodies, developing the concept of trans health care to finalize with an analysis of the case or rol playing, conclusions and an evaluation. 

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