OTD Chile signs an agreement on sexual diversity with the College of Midwives and Midwives of Chile

(Santiago, August 31, 2019) .- Within the framework of the National Day of the Midwife and the Matron, the Association of Midwives of Chile signed collaboration agreements with the Association OTD Chile (Organizing Trans Diversities) and the Movement for Diversity Sexual (MUMS), in the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Chile.

“We have been able to detect that currently the clinical care for the LGTBI + community lacks a comprehensive vision with a gender approach. At the same time, since undergraduate training remains deficient to guarantee a more diverse attention. Today we must leave behind some stereotypes, deliver less conservative attention and not just a heteronormal vision, ”said Katiuska Rojas, president of the College of
Midwives of Santiago.

Franco Fuica, signing agreement between OTD Chile and the Midwifery and Midwifery College.
Franco Fuica, Legal Representative of OTD Chile, expressed during the event “For many people gender transit is also a birth and today we sign from OTD Chile and together with the College of Midwives and Midwives an agreement that will directly impact the lives of trans people Trans or non-binary transgender people have been far from agreeing to review our health, our bodies, non-binary uteri, tubes and ovaries of trans men. Because of the fear and stress that often beats us and we prefer to see what a friend tells us or we look on the Internet, “he also called to eliminate the biases by sex or gender that today apply when buying bonds or submitting to certain procedures and thus adapt to what is indicated in Advisory Opinion 24/17 of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, which calls for eliminating all legal and procedural differences that are related to binary differences.

The purpose of this historic agreement is to train midwifery based on the experiences and needs of the LGTBI + community.

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