OTD Chile appreciates the creation of the National Prosecutor’s Office’s Observatory on Violence against LGBTIQ+ People

OTD Chile participated in the launch of the National Prosecutor’s Office’s LGBTIQ+ violence against persons observatory on May 17, in commemoration of the day against homo, lesbo, bi and transphobia around the world. The Association values the creation of this type of instances, especially for the need to have a fair and dignified treatment before justice.

In a public ceremony, the Public Prosecution Service presented the creation of this project, which seeks to register crimes motivated by the victims’ gender identity or expression and to improve the investigation process in these cases. To do this, a guide will be given to prosecutors and Public Ministry officials so that during the investigation they can ensure the promotion and protection of the rights of LGBTIQ+ people.

The presentation of the observatory was interrupted by people demanding justice in the case of the murder of Nicole Saavedra, who, after almost three years, still has no perpetrators. In spite of the incidents, a group of feminist activists of sexual and gender diversity made a dramatized reading of Pedro Lemebel’s Manifesto “I speak for my difference”.

OTD Chile’s legislation and public policy coordinator, Franco Fuica, welcomed the launch and hopes that further progress will be made in the area of justice in cases of discrimination and violence against transgender people. “Permanent violence against trans people is something that concerns us as activists. We recognize ourselves as one of the country’s most vulnerable populations in many spaces. The street, the school, our own home, work, etc. are often not safe spaces,” he stressed.

“Knowing what and how crimes against the LGBTIQ+ population are will help to have valuable information for the Government and legislators to know that the Gender Identity Act is not enough, that advances in the recognition of sexual and gender diversity goes beyond a public act, hoisting a flag or having a manual of good practices. Gender sensitivity is not enough when there is no justice and due process in investigations.

Translated by: Camila Mella

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