ILGALAC has acquired legal personality status in Argentina

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, and Intersex International Association for Latin America and the Caribbean (ILGALAC) was finally recognized as a legal entity by the Argentine State on 20 November 2018, by Ruling N° 0002083. It is the first time that this regional organization has succeeded in getting officially registered and recognized by a State as a nonprofit organization.

“This moment is historical for our regional organization. The official recognition and the obtaining of the legal personality given by the Inspección General de Justicia of the City of Buenos Aires(IGJ) is a fundamental step in the direction of consolidating our work and furthering our commitment to the promotion of LGBTI rights in Latin America and the Caribbean. We are really pleased with this landmark decision, which comes along on the 40th anniversary of ILGA World”, said Pedro Paradiso Sottile, ILGALAC’s Executive Director, pointed out.

For their part, Luz Elena Aranda Arroyo and Darío Arias, Regional Co-Secretaries, stated: “We are delighted that ILGALAC has been legally registered in the Argentine Republic and are deeply grateful to the authorities of the Inspección General de Justicia(IGJ) for this ruling, which enables us to function as a nonprofit organization across the region and all over the world. It means achievement and recognition of our historical commitment to diversity, equality, human rights, and liberation from all forms of discrimination”.

Our office is in Buenos Aires, Argentina, ILGALAC encompasses a large number of organizations of the whole Region that work for equality and recognition of LGBTI rights and contributes to enhancing communication and interaction among all the countries from Latin American and Caribbean.

At the same time, ILGALAC would like to express our gratitude to the National Institute against Discrimination, Xenophobia and Racism of Argentina (INADI) for supporting our work at our regional headquarters and working along with us.

The granting of the legal entity status occurs only a few months before the forthcoming ILGA World Conference, to be held in Wellington, New Zealand, on 18 to 22 March 2019, and a year before the 8th ILGALAC Regional Conference, main reference point and meeting at the level of Latin American and the Caribbean for the entire LGBTI community, which will take place in the cities of Bogotá and Villa de Leyva, Colombia, on 20 to 24 November, 2019.

ILGALAC Regional Secretariat and Regional Board

Luz Elena Aranda Arroyo (Co-Secretary) – Mexico

Darío Arias (Co-Secretary) – Argentina

Roberto Pérez Baeza – Mexico

Andrea Ayala – El Salvador

Natasha Jiménez Mata – Costa Rica

Cristina González – Colombia

Ingrid Barón – Venezuela

Simmy Larrat – Brazil

Beto de Jesús – Brazil

Franco Fuica – Chile

Manuel Vázquez Seijido – Cuba

Tropicana Cano Nuñez – Cuba

Traslation: Mariana Galvez y Lilly Parra.

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