Arlén signed for her school enrolment in a High School in Chile

Today, the transexual student Arlén Aliaga  has signed her enrollment in a High School ,Liceo 1, made for girls  in Santiago, Chile. After the Mayor  retract of the first negativity  of the Directorate Municipal Education  and after a private meeting with authorities of the establishmente on next tuesday she will be in high school to finished her studies.

Today Arlén and her family finally closed the enrollment process . On past tuesday , the managment denied the possibility because they were no more admission for students  and her admission is not  adapted to the educational project of the emblematic establishment of the commune, arguments that came down after that the Mayor of Santiago, Chile, Felipe Alessandri and the Minister of Education, Marcela Cubllos, finally made an agreement that there was no excuse for not being allowed at the school that she has choosen.

It’s very important to know that Arlen was victim of  and discriminations  by the teaches and other people in the Manuel Barros Borgoño School , so that why she made the request and decided to move to this new school.

Arlén and her Mother, Paola Muga,  are so grateful by all the coverage and the support that they recieved by the organizations, friends and allied policies , especially the councilmen Irací Hassler, Natalia Contreras and  Rosario Carvajal. Also the mayor Daniel Jadue, who offers Arlén an erollment in the commune, also as the intervention of the Minister of Education and Seremi of education, Barbara Soto, who were essential to  unlock the situation.

Paola said :“ I Feel so happy becausse we’re going to mantain a meeting with the manager of school coexistence for the aplication of the 0768 regulation”.  This document is the one that gives all the directions for the good threat for the transexual students in the country and soon it will turns 2 years since it all began. “ We made history”, she said, and she also sent a message for all the mother and fathers“ don’t stay and do not say anything when they say no as an answer, do not allow them to trample and believe in your children”.

The encharged of the legisltation and public policy from OTD Chile, Franco Fuica,  recognized the great job and strenght of Arlen. “ She and her mother trusted in us the responsability of supporting them  in this though process, today more than ever we demostrate that the union make the strenght and that organizing is fundamental to keep forward in the community rights of trans people in Chile. Arlén represents to all those transexual girls that were not recognized, something that fill us with a lot of pride. The history give us the reason and in terms of rights, there’s not way back”.

Translated by: Pedro Contreras and Sebastian Serrano.

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