The Universities of Chile that recognized the identity of their transexual students

OTD Chile did a research about the universities that respect the social name of transexual students. Off all of those that answered,  18 already counts  with a system that allows their students to replace the legal name on lists and intern documents of the headquarters.

Which are they?

Universidad de Chile

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Universidad Academia Humanismo Cristiano

Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez

Universidad Nacional Andrés Bello

Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción (no publication)

Universidad Católica del Maule (no publication)

Universidad Central (in redaction)

Universidad de Concepción (in redaction)

Universidad de La Frontera (implementation since March)

Universidad de Las Américas

Universidad de Los Lagos (in redaction)

Universidad de Santiago de Chile

Universidad de Talca (in redaction and process)

Universidad de Valparaíso  (no publication)

Universidad Diego Portales

Universidad Mayor (no publication, request document)


Universidad Austral de Chile

Universidad de Playa Ancha

Even Though we try to contact with most of the headquarters of the country, some of them do not answer our requests.  Universidad Catolica del Norte is in process of creation.

On May 2018, The Universidad de las Americas was one of the first to make public the possibility for accepting  transexal students. In a act with Daniela Vega,  she introduced and gave the steps , followed by Universidad de Chile, who already recieved requests by two students  already enrolled at the university  to make use of their  social name.

La casa de Bello is one of the main headquarters who is most advanced in terms of reach with a feminist agenda, commited during the 2018 movilizations. It created a Direction of Gender Equality in charge of applying inclusive politics fot the LGBT community, as anti-harrashment protocoles. The instructive for the legal name by the social is applied for students and also officilas who need this.

Another example of good practice is the documents published by Universidad de Santiago, who also created a Gender, Diversity and Equity Direction. The document, which regulated the procedure, indicates that inside the objetives is the promotion of the inclusion and equity, also as the sentence  to all kind of arbitrary discrimination, defining also the gender identity is part of intern experience  of human being, like United Nations says and the international standards about subject.

Luego de una serie de argumentos, impensados unos años atrás, se da pie a una norma que permite a estudiantes, funcionaries y académiques ser reconocides de acuerdo a su identidad autopercibida en documentos internos de la Universidad.

After a long series of arguments,  unexpected few years ago, it leads to a new rule which allows students, employees and academics to be recognized by the identity    in their intern documents in the University.

For the excecutive coordinator of the OTD Chile Michel Riquelme, is necessary to keep forward with this measures on the  headquarters , because the social name is a recongnition and minimun respect for the identity of each one . “To many of us  is our turn to  value our identity in so many places, even in our own families, that’s why it’s important that Univiersties, Technical trainning formation Centres and professional Institutes can adapt to the necesitties of the students, especially trans, for their invisibilization  and historical discrimination. The advances of the transexual community in our country   they come to stay and we will keep pushing the structures that exclude us”.

Translated by: Pedro Contreras and Sebastian Serrano.

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