OTD Chile Public Statement #WeAreNotAtWar

(Santiago, October 21, 2019).- Today as OTD Chile “Organizing Trans Diversities” Association, we join in the call of suspension of activities and the different ways of expression, justifiable of the social discontentment that have been expressed.

It is not only about the increase in the public transport fares, but about a series of abuses by the government, the political class and important businesspeople, who are immorally enriched at the expense of the precarious life of the rest of the population.

The unfair way in which this government has mocked about the abuse situations that the population lives daily, faithfully represents the disconnection of those who govern us and portray the imbalance between their living conditions and ours.

This crisis encompasses broad sectors that directly affect the life of precarized, discriminated and excluded trans people, as the shortages in health; the unworthy pensions crisis; the environmental crisis; the profit-making in education; the increase in the cost of living; the employment crisis for our community; the starvation wages; the precarious and exploitative working hours and conditions, in contrast to the millionaire salaries of the authorities and large companies which access to private healthcare, paid education and a great savings capacity
in real state.

From OTD Chile, we reject the curfew that leaves many people without their livelihood and repudiate the state of emergency decreed by President Sebastián Piñera. We believe that militarization and repression will only bring an escalation of violence and unjustified deaths that could be avoided. Trans people in these situations are even more exposed to both citizen and military abuse. We demand that the military withdraw to initiate a sustainable dialogue.

We condemn the media for criminalizing the demonstrations and we call them to halt the alarmist press by establishing an ethical and responsible dialogue with the real experts and representatives of the civil society to contribute in the solution of this crisis.

As a civil society organization, we are available to join the call of other institutions and communities to organize and demonstrate.  We call other LGBTIQ+ organizations in the country to join with communiqués and networks to jointly create spaces for action and reflection.

Finally, we would like to remind the population of what has happened in other countries of the region, where the lasting scenarios of ungovernability and violence have promoted the emergence of charismatic and authoritarian leaders. In this context, we call on independent and opposition deputies and senators to promote the dialogue with concrete proposals and synchronized citizen spaces, investing the millionaire resources that they have for it and thus reach a soon agreement that we need as a country to move forward in the correct direction.

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