OTD Chile congratulates the team of A Fantastic Woman for winning an Oscar

Organizando Trans Diversidades congratulates the whole cast of A Fantastic Woman for winning the Oscar for Best Foreign Film. This is a milestone for the country because it is the second Oscar that national producers have received, and it became a space for the visibility of the entire trans community.

Since 2015, when OTD Chile began to work to claim the rights of the trans community of the country, the presence of trans people in the media and in society in general had never been so alive.

The vice president and coordinator of public policies of the organization, Franco Fuica, appreciates that this film shows part of the violence that most trans people suffer in some part of their lives.

Fuica highlights the production of this film as a showcase to continue demanding the early approval of the Gender Identity Law, which has been processed in Congress for almost five years. “I think there is a synergy between the work that organizations and the film have been doing, by making the reality of trans people spread, since for a long time it has been a diffuse reality for many.”

For that reason, he calls on the Senators to take advantage of the moment to inform themselves and to become aware of an urgent issue and where the eyes of the world are placed on their work. “There are magical moments in which the issue arises and comes to push a process so slow, so unimportant for some and I hope that the Law will generate a change now, this week, before the President leaves”.

On the role of Daniela Vega for the trans community of Chile and the world, she considers that she is undoubtedly a great ambassador. “Today she is raising a fight flag that maybe she never imagined. Her activism comes from art and her great professional growth was thanks to the fact that she received the support and understanding of her loved ones, as well as meeting kind and respectful people who believed in her work. Today she has the opportunity to use this privileged place to improve the lives of trans women who do not have, and have not had, the support to develop”.

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