Letter on human rights violations in Chile

Desire and revolution, dissent in action:  Lets get everything for everyone!

Santiago, October 28, 2019

Dear Sirs,

We hereby express the conformation of the Coordinator for Sexual and Gender Dissidence, constituted on October 23 of this year due to the national contingency. We are a Coordinator that, nationally brings together as many organizations, institutions and self-convened individuals belonging to the LGBTIQA+ community and related dissidents, To date, we have developed three open assemblies, in which we have gathered more than 200 people, who have historically struggled for the respect and vindication of the human rights. 

As a result of these instances, we have worked in the creation of a unified position with emphasis on the individuals of LGBTIQA+ community, through the systematization of our historical demands, which have been invisibilized and ignored by the authorities of our country. This is reflected in the absence of intersectional public policies, as well as in the non-respect of the international treaties ratified by the Chilean State in this matter.

As Coordinator for Sexual and Gender Dissidence, we declare ourselves against any violation of human rights. With special emphasis, we reject those that occurred in the last week in relation to the social manifestations, front of which the President of the Republic applied the State Security Law and decreed a State of Emergency in several regions of the country. This led to militarization of the streets, State of Siege and abuses against the civil society by law enforcement and security forces. To date, we have received and compiled diverse complaints of physical and sexual violence, which we are working together with specialized organizations.

Considering the above, we oppose any type of dialogue with the authorities while insisting in the implementation of abusive and repressive political measures that attempt against human rights.

Finally, we are open to stablish direct dialogue channels with territorial organizations and institutions that respect the conditions previously mentioned that are oriented to the claim of our rights and the construction of a horizontal, democratic and participatory response to the social situation.

The suscribers are:

Association of Feminist Lawyers  ABOFEM
Chilean Corporation of AIDS Prevention Acciongay
Lesbian Association Rompiendo el Silencio
Lesbian Association Visibles
Self-convened Assembly Disidencias La Florida
Assembly of Sexual Dissent Atacama
Association OTD Chile Organizing Trans Diversities
Independent Self-convened
CERES: CERES: Gender and Subjectivities Trans (CERES-NGO)
Organization CEVVIH
Collective TransForma
Collective Neutres
Collective Pies Disidentes
Collective Artístico Colacola
Community Atacama Trans
Collective Cultura Errática
Derecho a la Diversidad UChile
DiversiFEN UChile
Diversinap UChile
Expo Diversidad
Federation of Students of Universidad of Chile FECH
Erotic Art Festival FAE FESTIVAL

Foundation Acuarela
Foundation Chile Diverso
Foundation Todo Mejora Chile
Gender Equality Unit GENERAM
Justicia for Nicole Saavedra
Feminist Collective Kolectiva Transgenero Temuko
Dissident Political Organization La Otra Marcha
Movement Organized Gay, Lesbian, Trans and Heterosexuals MOGALETH
Movement Health for All (Salud para todes
Movement Chilean Sexual Diversity MUMS
Acción Mujer y Madre NGO
Organization Reconstruyendo Espacios
Lesbofeminist Network
Feminist Network Red Fem
Clóset Magazine
Collective Showkings
Union of trans/cross-dressers sex workers Amanda Jofré Cerda
Gender and Sexualities Spokesperson Vogesex UMayor

todoxtodes@riseup.net  / @coordinadora_disidencias

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