Inter-American Court of Human Rights declares responsible to the Republic of Perú for Azul Rojas Marín Human Rights violation based on her sexual orientation and gender expression

(March 12th, 2020).- The Inter-American Court of Human Rights declared internationally responsible to the Republic of Perú for personal freedom, personal integrity, private life,  to not being tortured, judicial warrantees, and judicial protection human rights violation of Azul Rojas Marín, in relation to the obligation of respect and guarantee said rights without discrimination, and adopting legal measures disposition. The Court also declared responsible to the state for personal integrity human rights violation of Azul Rojas Marín mother, Mrs. Juan Rosa Tanta Marín.

In this way, an historic judgment is given in favor of the LGTBIQ+ community human rights.In this link you can read the complete judgment. 



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