Term invented in the 1950s by doctors in the United States to refer to the transgender population. In those years it was thought that the biological sexAccording to the World Health Organization, sex refers to bi... (maleAn organism, including humans, that has XY chromosomes and p... or femaleAn organism, including humans, that has XX chromosomes and p...) was given by the genitals and believed that changing a person’s genitals could change their sex. But to date that is not possible because sex is given by chromosomes as it was later discovered. There are even people who can be born with vagina and their chromosomes are XY (male) or born with penis and their chromosomes are XX (female) Therefore the term sex change is meaningless and the use of the term transgender is discouraged. Unfortunately, the myth persists that transgender people who undergo genital surgery would be transgender while those who do not would be transgender, but this division is discriminatory and absurd, considering that the cisgenderPeople who identify with the gender identity assigned to the... population are the most operated genitals and are not divided between cisgender men who lengthened the penis and those who did not, for example. Anyone who transits genderTechnical term of the social sciences that refers to the set... is transgender, so transgender people are also transgender, regardless of whether or not they operate on any part of the body. Everything that has to do with genital surgeries and sex hormone treatments corresponds to gender expressionIt’s how each person expresses their gender. It can includ..., not identity and are usually treatments used by both transgender and cisgender people. Etymologically the term transsexual is also inaccurate as it refers to sexual or sexual behaviors, being much more related to terms such as heterosexual and homosexual, or sexual orientationEach person’s ability to feel a deep emotional, affective ....